Looking for Child Care for Your Kids

Finding a daycare can be a difficult obstacle. There is corporate childcare and also employer sponsored childcare. There are several childcare options for working parents when choosing childcare. Many corporate childcare facilities are run by contractors who are independent of the corporation. Often times these independent contractors staff the centers with their own employees. By the age of four, at least 80% of children will spend some time in day care, according to national statistics. This means that you are not the only one in finding a daycare.
Corporate sponsored child care can decrease maternity leave, increase employee loyalty, and improve on the job concentration. Corporate child care not only makes an employer more desirable to potential employees but it also helps in the retention of current employees. Onsite child care can also result in higher productivity and reduced absenteeism. When finding a daycare, corporate daycare is a great option if your business offers it. Employers will usually subsidize the cost of the childcare facility by helping the parents pay for the services.
A growing trend according to government statistics is that so far 23% of working parents use multiple arrangements for their childcare. According to a report by Child Care Aware of America, the cost of placing two children in child care is more than the median yearly rent payments in every U.S. state. Money is a huge issue in finding a daycare and many working parents cannot afford it. Finding a daycare can be a full time job in itself, which is why a corporate sponsored child care option is often the best way to go.
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