How ADHD, Dyslexia, and Asperger’s School Programs Could Help Your Child’s Education

For students with ADHD, dyslexia, and/or Aspergers school can be very difficult, especially if that school isn’t meeting the students’ needs. There are several challenges that these types of students can face, and parents may find that they need to seek special schools for ADHD, dyslexia, and Asperger’s syndrome. A school for Aspergers-affected students, along with programs and schools for dyslexia or ADHD-affected children, can help students with learning disabilities succeed with the right kind of attention and strategies for improving behavior.
Why are these programs so vital for dealing with special needs children? To understand this concept, it’s necessary to understand these conditions and know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach for students in learning disabled and Aspergers school programs. Take a look at some of the information below to find out how your children could benefit from a special education curriculum.
Dyslexia is a developmental reading disorder that affects how children process or read written words. Often, students will have trouble with reading comprehension despite possessing normal or above-average intelligence. It can also affect the ways students write words. It is unclear how many people are dyslexic, as estimates sit anywhere between 1% to 33% of the population. Students often require specific instruction combined with therapies in order to improve their reading skills, especially when it comes to differentiating between graphemes (letters) and phonemes (sounds).
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; it is similar to ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). It affects between 3% to 5% of school-aged children, more often boys than girls. It is possible that it runs in families and begins in early childhood, while the brain is still developing. Children with ADHD exhibit impulsive behavior. While medications are sometimes prescribed, they are controversial and are sometimes less preferable to therapies and lifestyle changes for the patient.
Asperger’s Syndrome is an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that can vary in its symptoms. Because it is a pervasive developmental disorder, it is often diagnosed as a pattern of symptoms rather than one symptom, and patients can vary in behavior. AS can overlap with high-functioning autism, with is autism unaccompanied by mental retardation, but this is not always the case. Aspergers school programs often help children with social and behavioral difficulties and generally fall into the category of special education programs.
While students with Asperger’s may be prone to avoiding human contact, which can lead to being socially alienated, with the right therapies and education programs they can succeed. Some students with Asperger’s are exceptionally bright; they may exhibit unusual preoccupations with a certain subject, but this can lead to expertise in a field of study if the student is given the chance to explore it.
If you are a parent with questions about schools for special needs students, be sure to get in touch with one in your area. Also, there are many resources online and in support groups to help you and your child develop a successful approach to his or her education. If you would like more suggestions, or if you want to share your success story, leave a comment below. More research here.