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Three of the Most Common Challenges Facing Special Needs Students - Living History Worldwide

Schools for adhd

Did you know that according to the Institute of Educational Sciences, there was about 6.4 million students ages three through 21 who received special education services in the 2011 – 2012 school year, making up about 13% of all public school students?

With such a large portion of the student population facing difficult challenges to their education, it’s necessary to understand their disorders and issues, so that educational programs can be made to better suit their needs. Here are a few of the most common challenges special needs students face.


Dyslexia is a learning disorder characterized by a difficulty with reading. Although there’s no cure or medicinal treatment for dyslexia, there are schools for dyslexia that can help students overcome their challenge. The sooner it’s recognized that children have this disorder and attend schools for dyslexia, the easier time they’ll have overcoming. If you suspect that your children may have dyslexia, it’s vital to have them tested to see if they’d be better suited at schools for dyslexia.


The developmental disorder Asperger’s syndrome affects a student’s social and communication skills. Children with Asperger’s are often socially awkward and will become completely absorbed in a certain topic. Although there’s no cure for AS, many students benefit from specialized intervention. Just as there are schools for dyslexia, so too can students with AS attend a school for aspergers that can focus on social skills training.


Students with ADHD have trouble focusing, and are often hyperactive and impulsive, which can lead to poor scholastic performance. Though there are medical treatment options for ADHD, many parents would rather not put their children on medicine, and instead choose to send them to schools better suited for their children’s needs.

Although it’s definitely a good thing that these students are getting some of the help they need, budget cuts, lack of specialized training, and social problems can all pose additional challenges to special needs students attending public schools. Schools for dyslexia, schools for ADHD, and Aspergers schools can all provide the accomodations, attention, and care that these students need to overcome their special set of challenges.

If you have any questions about these schools for dyslexia, Aspergers, or ADHD, feel free to ask in the comments.

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