Three Considerations to Think About Before Getting a Tattoo

Tattoos are an art form that dates back centuries ago, and it continues to be a highly respected form of art for many. Aspiring tattoo artists go through years of training during tattoo apprenticeships or tattoo school to learn the proper techniques, after which they are ready to take on their own clients and build a loyal following of their own. Not only is it becoming more acceptable to pursue a profession as a tattoo artist, but also for people to get tattoos. Of course, that doesn’t always make the process of getting one any easier. The best tattoos are ones that are carefully planned out, carry meaning and are well taken care of. The first challenge is deciding on a design.
What Are the Most Popular Tattoo Designs
While the best tattoos are often unique designs that are created by a tattoo artist after listening to ideas from their client, it can still be helpful to know what some of the more popular designs are when choosing one for yourself. Among the many tattoos out there, there are some that continue to be popular designs time and time again. According to Rank My Tattoos, the single most popular design is a tribal tattoo. While these are a popular request, they still allow for a great deal of creativity and come in many different styles. After tribal designs, stars, crosses, angels, wings and dragons are always in high demand among tattoo seekers.
Where is the Best Place to Get a Tattoo?
After deciding on a design, you need to figure out where exactly you want your tattoo. Some of the most common places people get tattoos are the lower back, inner wrist, foot, ankle, shoulder and ribs. While you can get a tattoo practically anywhere you desire, there are some things that you need to consider before deciding on a location. The first thing to think about is whether or not you want the tattoo to be visible. Tattoos on the arms, neck and wrists are almost always visible and can be hard to cover up, while the feet, ankles, back and ribs are more subtle. Another thing to think about is your pain tolerance. Body parts that are bony, such as the ribs, spine and ankles are typically much more painful than the arms, legs, stomach or chest. When it comes down to it, it is a matter of preference.
Caring For a New Tattoo
After making it through the actual tattooing process it is important to take good care of the tattoo to make sure it doesn’t get infected. Otherwise, all of that hard work, time and money will have been a waste, and you could end up with serious health issues. It is crucial to listen to the instructions of your tattoo artists, but some general guidelines for caring for a new tattoo include leaving the bandage on for one to two hours, NOT soaking it in water, wash it with only a mild soap cleanser and never pick at it as it is healing. Caring for a new tattoo properly can be the difference between an awesome new piece of body art and a nasty infection.
Tattoos can be a great form of artwork and self expression, but it takes time to come up with a design and placement. When in doubt, it is best to take your time and come up with something that has meaning instead of being hasty.