Private School Costs Are Worthwhile Investments for Many Families

Some people live to work and some work to live. You do both to play with the grand babies. Sometime after the long and often more difficult road of parenting, the older generation gets the opportunity to reap the benefits of their previous efforts. As grandparents, there are many people who get the chance to spend time with their grandchildren. From the days of having to be the major disciplinarian to the days of getting to spoil and indulge a grandchild many things change.
With a longer view and a more wide perspective, grandparents are often able to summon patience that parents do not have, more energy than a mother or father has at the end of the day, and more confidence in the advice and the examples that they offer.
As grandparents you no longer need to be the person making decisions about private elementary schools, private school tuition rates, and other educational choices. Instead, you can be the grandparent who picks your grandchildren up once a week from the private elementary schools and spend leisurely afternoons doing what your charges enjoy.
Today’s Parenting Can be a Challenge
Rescheduling Halloween because of rain is ridiculous!
In fact, you wish that today’s parents would wake up and realize that they are creating children who cannot begin to deal with adversity.
Back in the 80’s parents starting driving their kids door to door because they feared the trick or treating tradition was too much for them to walk. As a result, those parents on foot had to be worried about being hit by a car. Today, not only are some of these parents still driving their kids, but now they are afraid of them getting wet. Or too cold. Pandering to children who have more of a priority of watching their cell phones instead of carrying a a trick or treat bag, they cannot seem to enjoy a tradition of childhood that has gone on for year. Worried about getting their wet hair or ruining their makeup, too many children do not seem to understand the that they are victims of a life bonded to the wrong things. Maybe this is the year when your children need to get out there, run in the rain, or snow, and ring those door bells and let your kids be kids.
Teaching Your Children Independence Is an Essential Part of Parenting
From tying and retying shoe laces to putting on bandaids non stop to giving your children rides on Halloween, there are many ways when parents and teachers limit the abilities of young children. Finding a way to allow children to learn for themselves often takes more time and energy, but it is an essential part of being the best kind of mother, father, or educator.
When parents step into resolve small conflict, for instance, they eliminate the practice that children need to gain the skills that are necessary to be successful, well functioning, adults. From these big life lessons in life to every time that you pick up things from the floor for your children and carrying backpacks and other items we deprive our children of opportunities for growth.
What Are Your Biggest Parenting Challenges?
Sometimes, with the best of intentions, there are many times when we enable our children to stay young and function with the most immature of behaviors. Every time we do something for our children that they can do for themselves we are stealing their power. Limiting their independence. And while there are some parents who truly cannot face the fact that their children will grow up and not them, the truth is most of us want to know that they have raised children who can be a healthy and contributing part of society.
From making plans to take advantage of the benefits of faith based education to comparing the benefits of local public schools and private elementary schools to budgeting for these decisions, there are many challenging parenting choices today. Only 25% of all U.S. schools are private schools, but the parents who choose this path are often 100% dedicated to their decision to send their children to private elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. Realizing 80% of private school students attend religiously-affiliated schools, this is a popular trend.