Home learning

If you’ve never taken an online class, you may be interested in the benefits of this type of educational platform. A Babson Survey Research Group report from 2013 showed that there were over 6 million students that had taken at least 1 course online. Furthermore, recent figures also show that students in higher education are also realizing the merits of taking online courses; as a result, 32% of these students have taken at least 1 course.

The Benefits of Taking Classes Online

Given the convenience of online learning, more and more students are taking advantage of this platform to further their education and to engage in personal learning. While every student is unique, many choose to take online classes in order to advance their existing careers. A recent survey showed that this was the case for 46% of the participants.

Other students choose to take classes online because they have work, family, and other obligations. For 68% of the participants, taking online classes has enabled them to balance these responsibilities. It’s also important to note that 64% of the students that participated in this survey indicated that they experienced more freedom as to when and where they could study.

Personal Learning and Enrichment Activities

Many adults are personal learners. According to a recent survey, 74% indicated that they had engaged in 1 or more enrichment activities over the past 12 months. These were activities that advanced their knowledge in an area of personal interest. Taking courses, listening to online lectures, attending meetings, and engaging in other types of events were all connected to their personal interests.

Personal learners also take coursework in order to improve their job skills or increase their expertise for enhanced career opportunities. In addition to taking courses, 63% of these individuals have also sought and obtained additional training in their fields.

Pursuing knowledge for its own sake was also prevalent among 80% of the personal learners surveyed. They were in the process of exploring their interests in order to learn something new that could make a positive impact on their lives. Personal growth and enrichment were high on their list of creating more interesting and fulfilled lives.

If you”d like to be able to listen to lectures in the comfort and convenience of your own home, there are a number of online courses that may be of interest to you. Whether you want to advance your career, explore personal interests, or engage in learning something new for its own sake, having access to online lectures is an excellent way to accomplish these and other goals.

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