Is Hillary Clinton Posing On The Cover of People Magazine With a Walker?

What is conservatives latest ploy? Republicans are, once again, questioning Hillary Clinton’s age and health, claiming that she is posing on the cover of People magazine with a walker. It’s not true. The presidential candidate is actually posing alongside a patio chair, although this is not the first time politicians are calling her appearance into question.
Looking and feeling young, however, should not be about other people. Women from all walks of life can look and feel years younger, and they can do it all for themselves, too. What are some of the best and safest ways to preserve your youth?
Enjoy the Natural Health Benefits of Collagen
“Wrinkles are the result of a loss of collagen, the main structural protein of the skin. As you age, the body begins to produce less of it, which keeps skin from being as firm as it was when you were younger,” ABC News explains. Conquer fine lines and wrinkles, look great, and feel younger, with collagen skincare products. Natural collagen products, like eye cream collagen, restores the natural protein and firms and tightens skin.
Exercise: Make It A Habit!
Exercising has all kinds of health benefits, staving off serious health conditions, reducing stress, and giving you energy. Now it can also improve the appearance and overall composition of your skin, according to Canadian researchers. Americans who just began exercising noticed relatively immediate improvements. After several months of exercising, The New York Times notes: “Their skin was much closer in composition to that of the 20- and 30-year-olds than to that of others of their age.”
Meditate Your Troubles Away
Meditation has a number of health benefits — and some can help you look a lot younger. Meditating reduces stress, eliminating the presence of cortisol, the stress hormone, in our bodies. This will prevent breakdowns and help you keep off stubborn belly fat.
Look and feel healthier and years younger — and do it all naturally, too. Keep skin glowing with eye cream collagen, exercise for overall health benefits, and beat stress (and stress-related symptoms) with meditation. More like this blog.