5 Myths about Preschool Every Parent Should Know

If you’re looking into preschools, you might be overwhelmed with all the choices available to you. There’s lots of confusing information out there, so before you start looking for the best day care program, here are some common myths about schooling that every parent should know.
Myth #1: As long as I get along with the teachers, I don’t need to be concerned about day care regulations when I send my child to preschool. False!
Actually, you should definitely learn everything you can about day care regulations and you should make sure whatever facility you send your child to is up-to-date with their practices. There are legal requirements that detail certain things that preschools need to have, and it’s important that you become familiar with these before you send your child anywhere to spend the day without you.
Myth #2: There is no difference between public and private schooling, except that private school tuition is more expensive. False!
There are tons of differences that can last your child’s whole life, so if you are hesitant about private school there are a few things you should consider. Research has shown that private schools offer a superior education than most public schools, and this results in a higher cost of attendance. There are also benefits like having a small community of students and parents who you will get to know and your child will grow up with, and this is often not as easy in public schools because they are so much bigger. You can also have a more personal relationship with your child’s teachers because there are fewer students and smaller classes.
Myth #3: My child has more fun at home spending time with me, so child care facilities aren’t a good choice for our family. False!
Children who attend preschool are actually 24% more likely to attend a four year college, and this is largely because it is important for kids to start learning young. Most day care regulations specify a curriculum that includes cognitive, social and emotional teaching, which is important for any child who will grow up to be a productive member of society. You might also consider a private preschool, because students who attend private schools have, on average, higher rates of graduation from high school and an increased acceptance rate to top colleges.
Myth #4: If I feel comfortable at the private school, it doesn’t matter what other people say. False!
Even if you like the environment and approve of the way they interact with your children, you should check out some private school ratings to see how your top choice stacks up in comparison to other schools in the area. You might also consider talking to parents who have sent their children to that school so you can see what they thought of the education policies.
Myth #5: If I send my child to preschool, we will miss out on precious time spent together that we can never get back. False!
It’s important to remember that there are more things in store for your child than spending time with you, but at the same time it can be hard to send your young one out into the world without you. There are lots of half day preschool programs that are great if you are looking for a smoother transition, but it is important for your child to learn how to socialize with others. More on this.