Stem education

Education can seem off-limits much of the time. Tuition is through the roof, there are hundreds of viable options in hundreds of cities and, especially for parents, schedules can conflict with taking care of children. Your options are not completely dried up, however, and an accredited online school can give you everything you need and more to get that degree you need. With blended learning models and independent mindsets, an accredited online school is ideal for people of all backgrounds, budgets and lifestyles. If you haven’t yet graduated high school or are wondering about your options for college, look below to learn more about online schooling and what it can potentially offer you.

Public And Private Schools

Each type of institution offers something different to offer more options to students and families alike. The majority of public and private schools have an average of one teacher to 25, even 30, students — because of this the teacher’s attention is limited at best in order to properly accommodate everyone in the room. While private schools have proven a superior option for parents with children who have special needs or mental illness, the price can dissuade many from applying. Fortunately, an accredited online school can bridge this gap.

High Schools

If you haven’t yet graduated from high school, an accredited online school may help you finish your degree as well as prepare for community college or a university. While modern high schools do their best to properly cover the basics, there can still be gaps in knowledge for the attending students. According to ongoing data surveys from the U.S. Department Of Education, two in five high schools don’t offer physics classes. Another 20% of high school seniors admit they ‘don’t feel like they’re learning enough’ in math class. According to a survey by Learning In The 21st Century, nearly 80% of respondents believe blended learning is the answer to these struggles.

Online Schools

When private schools are too expensive and high schools aren’t properly preparing you for your future, online education can provide the right approach. Clayton Christensen of the Harvard Business School believes that, by the year 2019, at least half of all classes for grades K-12 will be taught online. According to Blackboard K-12’s ‘2013 Trends In Online Learning’, the ability to work at one’s own pace was considered one of the most attractive elements of an online learning course. Last, but not least, a Global Shapers Survey saw 40% of respondents saying online education is just as strong as a traditional learning environment.

Choosing An Accredited Online School

It can be difficult to get a job or attend college without your high school diploma. When you have a child to take care of or physical health issues to attend to, it can seem almost impossible. An accredited online school can give you the education you deserve at the pace you require, allowing you to master the basics on your own time. The year 2013 saw 33 states having full-time virtual schools as well as 16 states having blended schools, with over 262,000 students enrolled with different schedules and learning programs. College high school programs and your high school diploma is only an online submission away.

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