Two New Releases on City of Quality Records!

Today we’re thrilled to announce 2 new records coming out on City of Quality. First, on April 14, is the 25th anniversary reissue of Koo Koo Boy: Every Freak For Himself! Fully remastered and on vinyl for the first time, Koo Koo Boy is going to blow minds and break hearts all over again! This record is a huge deal for me. I’ve loved this band for over 20 years. Being able to get this thing looking and sounding it’s best, having the opportunity to present to a whole new generation, there really are no words. Honestly this release is one of my proudest accomplishments.
If that isn’t enough, on July 1 we have the Ben Morey & The Eyes record Mt. Doom! Huge lush folk pop featuring nearly 30 members of our rock community. This record is really special. Everyone coming to together to breathe life in Ben’s musical vision? It’s a beautiful thing. Big in size and sound, this is probably the most ambitious album I’ve heard in years.
Pre-orders are up now at City of Quality, including all kinds of limited time bundles. Get on it!